What is a meter serial number?

What is a meter serial number

A meter serial number (MSN) is a combination of numbers and letters that is unique to your specific gas or electricity meter. Meter serial numbers should not be confused with MPRN, MPAN, or supply point numbers. These numbers can potentially be confusing, but by sticking to this article you shouldn’t encounter any nasty surprises. What … Read more

What is an organisational structure?

What is an organisational structure

 An organisational structure is something that all successful businesses will have – or will develop once they reach a certain scale. It is a term that describes the hierarchy of workers/employees, employers, jobs and their related responsibilities, and who they report to within the organisational structure. Often these structures will affect the flow of information … Read more

Independent Gas Transporters?

Independent Gas Transporters

For most people in the UK, this guide covers a topic that will never affect them. Independent gas transporters (IGTs). For the few people in the rural parts of the UK that know what I’m talking about – this guide will hopefully explain what IGTs are, why they exist, and what it means for you. … Read more

What is hedging?

What is hedging

Hedging in the energy market, is a method in which energy suppliers are able to purchase energy in such a way that minimises any risk posed by price volatility of energy. This is astonishingly, the simplest definition that could be thought of. We will discuss in more detail how hedging works, and why it is … Read more

What are deemed rates?

What are deemed rates

And why am I paying them? Deemed rates are one of the many ways in which some energy suppliers will legally be able to charge you sky-high prices for the energy you use. Often, deemed contracts arise when moving into a new premise without pre-arranging an active energy supply contract. At the point of moving … Read more

How to use Niccolo’s billing platform – The Process

How to use Niccolos billing platform The Process 1

A word document compiled to explain navigation and use of Niccolo’s online billing site. Logging in as a customer would and attempting to put myself in their shoes and how they would use the website. I found this type of work really refreshing – and tried to include relevant information to a broad range of … Read more