Total Gas & Power

Total Gas & Power Company History

Formed in 1987 under the name AGAS, Total Gas & Power entered the UK energy market as the first independent supplier. Becoming a subsidiary, fully owned by Elf Aquitaine, the name was changed in 1999 to Elf Aquitaine. What followed was two mergers, when Total joined with Petrofina, the Belgian oil company. Totalfina was formed, which then merged with Elf Aquitaine creating TotalFinaElf. Later in 2003, the name was rebranded to Total SE.

Total Gas & Power Today

Total Gas & Power belong to the Total Group who is the world’s fourth-largest oil and gas company. Since 2001 Total Gas & Power have been supplying electricity and currently supply energy to over 200,000 sites. Total Gas & Power have become one of the largest energy suppliers to commercial and industrial businesses in the UK.

Total Gas & Power are committed to creating clean energy and have a focus on climate change. They are currently building a low-carbon electricity portfolio with aims of a renewable supply for 40% of their worldwide sales by the year 2050.

As of today, Total Gas & Power’s gross low-carbon power generation capacity is just under 9 gigawatts, with 5 gigawatts from renewable energies. They are targeting this number reaching 25GW by 2025 as they expand to become of the largest renewable energy companies worldwide.

Total Gas & Power Overseas

Below is a table based on Total, the shareholders of Total Gas & Power. It shows their sales based on different regions they operate in.

EUR (in Million)%
Rest of Europe88,60956.3%
North America17,82111.3%
Rest of the World14,3089.1%

Total Gas & Power In the UK

Total has been operating in the UK for over 50 years, with more than 2,000 staff. Total Gas & Power generate their energy offshore in 3 zones:

  • Alwyn/Dunbar area in the Northern North Sea
  • Elgin/Franklin and Culzean areas in the Central North Sea
  • Laggan-Tormore hub in the West of Shetland area
  • Erebus off the coast of Wales and Seagreen off the coast of Scotland (renewable energy)

Total is one of the largest suppliers of energy in the UK to both the public sector and businesses. They also have sectors in the marketing of petroleum products in the UK, such as:

  • Lubricants
  • Bitumen
  • Aviation fuel
  • Speciality fluids

Also, listed below are other areas in the UK where Total Gas & Power have operations.

PrestonTotal Bitumen
AberdeenTotal Exploration & Production
South ShieldsSAFT
FerrybridgeTotal Lubricants Blending Plant
RedhillTotal Gas & Power
LondonTotal Marketing & Services

Total Gas & Power also work a lot with local communities in the UK. Back in 2018, Total Gas & Power created a partnership with Hindleap Warren Outdoor Learning Centre. They have worked together on many special projects. Hindleap provides adventure and outdoor learning to more than 10,000 children and young people each year.

They have also worked with the charity Young People’s Trust for the Environment (YPTE) over the last 10 years. This promotes environmental learning in UK schools with the Better Energy School Awards, which has produced environmental projects from over 23,000 young people.

Total also has the following businesses in the UK:

  • Exploration & Production
  • Refining & Chemicals
  • Renewable energies
  • Trading & Shipping
  • Marketing & Services
  • Gas and Power

Products and Services

Total Gas & Power currently offer three products for smaller businesses:

  • SmartFix – You choose a fixed price gas or electricity plan, between 1 and 4 years, allowing protection from market increases
  • Fix for five – Your energy price will stay fixed for 5 years, this is regardless of what happens in the volatile energy market.
  • Eco-energy – Supply energy to your business with 100% renewable energy.

To meet the demands to be labelled as a larger business, you must use more than 10GWh of gas or electricity per year, equating to £1m per year spent on energy. If you meet these criteria, Total Gas & Power offer these products for larger customers:

  • Fixed Price – Price stays the same for the duration of your contract, from a few months to 5 years, you select the length of the plan. You are protected from the market increases.
  • Fixed Flexi – This plan allows for fluctuations in the market, allowing you to purchase energy ahead of time and locking in that price for the contract. It gives you a mix of flexibility and price certainty that meets your needs.
  • Baseload – Baseload allows for flexible trading with protection from market fluctuation and also any energy you save by not consuming. You select the amount of energy you need per month, buying all or part based on your demands. If you use more than the baseload, the procurement team will purchase extra energy based on that day’s rate.
  • Fully-Traded – Full access to buying and selling energy, any amount and any period is allowed. You can buy for months at a time or for even 30 minute periods. Using the Energy Management Platform, you are given live market data information when you want to purchase energy. This works best for companies who know their energy demands.

If you take a look at Total SE, their business varies in numerous different areas. Below is a table outlining their sales breakdown in those various sectors:

EUR (in Million)%
Refining & Chemicals75,57148%
Marketing & Services59,17237.6%
Integrated Gas, Renewables & Power16,23110.3%
Exploration & Production6,4874.1%

Total Gas & Power Fuel Mix 2019/20

Total Gas & Power along with all other energy suppliers must provide fuel mixes as part of The Electricity Regulations Act of 2005. Customers are given the details of all energy suppliers fuel mixes, showing their effect on the environment, giving you a better outlook on a company’s green output. This allows the customers to make a choice based on the fuel mixes different suppliers use.

Below is the Total Gas & Power fuel mix, including the average UK percentage for comparison with other energy suppliers.

Electricity supplied by Total Gas & Power has been sourced from the following fuelsPercentage of electricity supplied by Total Gas & PowerAverage for the UK (for comparison)
Natural Gas53%39.40%

Total Gas & Power and Renewable Energy

Total Gas & Power have a strong emphasis on creating a sustainable future.

Their radioactive waste for example is lower than other leading firms, such as Gazprom.

Environmental Impact

CO2 emissions279g/kWh
Radioactive Waste0.0006g/kWh

Plans such as Pure Green and Eco-Energy for gas are aimed at committing to reducing carbon emissions. Pure Green is a plan that is 100% renewable electricity from sources like wind, solar and hydro. Eco-Energy is recycled gas from farm and food waste.

This is great for businesses, as they can add these plans to become a zero-emissions company, matching the Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin (REGO) certificates.

Board of Directors

Picture5Dave Cranfield – Vice President North-West Europe

With just under 20 years experience with Total, Dave Cranfield has held previous roles such as operations director and operations director.


Picture6Sion Roberts – Deputy General Manager

Sion Roberts has been with Total Gas & Power for two decades with roles such as commercial director.


Picture7Elizabeth Gregson – Director – HR

Elizabeth Gregson is an experienced HR professional, with over 13 years of experience at Total Gas & Power. Previous roles at Total Gas & Power include the HR Advisor and HR Business Partner.


Picture8Mark Rose – Director – Major Business

Mark Jose was added to the Total Gas & Power team in 2018, Mark Rose has been involved in the energy sector for many years, with rival companies such as nPower and EDF Energy.


Picture9Peter McLeod – Director – SME

Peter McLeod joined Total Gas & Power in 2014, with previous roles such as Head of Business Development with SMB Sales at O2.


Contact, Websites and Social Media

New customers:

Moving premises:



Social Media:

Twitter: @totalgpuk





UK Offices:


Bridge Gate,

55-57 High Street,

Redhill, Surrey,



1280 Century Way,


LS15 8ZB


Pearl Assurance House,

7 New Bridge St W,

Newcastle upon Tyne,


Contact Phone Number: 0333 003 7874


Total Gas & Power are a subsidiary of Total, a supplier and producer of natural gas and energy. They operate in over 130 countries and have more than 100,000 worldwide employees. Per day, Total has more than 8 million customers using service stations and reported $200bn in sales.

62.8% of Total employees are based in Europe, the next highest area being the Americas with 18.9%. Total is the 2nd largest global supplier of LNG and is the leading provider of gas by volume to U.K. businesses.

Recent News

Total Gas & Power made the majority purchase of Ørsted’s UK business. Their business to business gas and electricity customers will now be supplied by Total Gas & Power. This acquisition from Total Gas & Power makes a large step forward to an ever-increasing renewable future and renewable energy base. 97% of the customers at Ørsted’s UK own green certificates.

Recently in 2021, Total Gas & Power became the supplier to the UK’s most popular bookmaker William Hill. Total Gas & Power will be supplying 100% renewable energy to the betting company in line with their new commitment to a greener future.

Key Financial Data

From their 2018 annual reports, Total Gas & Power had a Cash of £824M, while the Total Assets of £6B and Working Capital of £2B. Total SE reported a revenue

157.47 B in their latest annual statement, up +4.35% over the last 5 years. Their net income was also up by 23.89%.

When looking at the market share back in 2014, Total Gas & Power had a mere 2.8% market share in the electricity market. However, when it came to gas, Total Gas & Power led the market over rivals Gazprom Energy as shown in the table below.

SupplierMarket Share
Total Gas & Power17.6%
Gazprom Energy12.8%
DONG Energy Sales11.8%

Read More: Total Gas & Power – Updated 2021